Shipping integration for Ongoing WMS
Booking of labels using Smart Send can be done from within Ongoing WMS.

Key features
Work from Ongoing
With Smart Send you can create shipments directly from Ongoing WMS. There is also an integration between Ongoing and the Smart Send Shopify app.
Create shipments in Smart Send
- All information about the shipment can be entered into Ongoing WMS, and then transferred to Smart Send at the click of a button.
Track your shipments
- With Smart Send, you can track the shipment directly from Ongoing WMS.
Automatic printing of shipping labels
- When the shipment has been booked in Smart Send, you can automatically create and print a shipping label from Ongoing WMS.
Customs information
- Ongoing WMS automatically transfers all customs information electronically to Smart Send.

First class support
We are here to help
You can find answers to most questions in our support center both regarding setup and more general questions about your carrier. If you cannot find the right answer you are always welcome to contact us.